Since 1960

Our Sponsors


Platinum Level

Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board Loyalist College Lightbox Tech

Gold Level

OPG Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District School BoardResearch Casting International  

Silver Level

University of Ottawa

Bronze Level

Kiwanis Club of BellevilleKennametal StelliteUnited Nations Association in CanadaRotary Club of StirlingCentre for Workforce DevelopmentQuinte WestThe Corporation of the County of Prince EdwardKiwanis Club of TweedRotary Club of StirlingRotary Club on Wellington Berry PlasticsCineplex EntertainmentThe Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and TechnologistsACFOMIThe Royal Astronomy Association of CanadaAlbert CollegeAllegra Marketing Print MailCity of BellevilleProfessional Engineeers of OntarioProfessional Engineeers of Ontario Nod Apaiary ProductsScotia Wealth Management


Let's Talk Science Youth Science Canada Canada-wide Science Fair

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QRSTF- Since 1960 

Without sponsors it would be difficult to have a science fair to support the students of the Quinte area.