Information for 2025 CWSF

Information about the Canada-wide Science Fair 

Canada-wide Science Fair participants' Information


Preparation for CWSF and more

The trips to the Canada-wide Science Fair are the premiere awards at the Quinte Regional Science and Technology Fair. This year the CWSF will be held in Edmonton, Alberta in May (13th-20th) For over sixty years Youth Science Canada has provided a place where almost five hundred students can compete for awards and scholarships. It is a life altering experience and it looks good on a resume.

CWSF Website  - With great information about the Canada-wide Science Fair.   

View the the great projects at the Canada-wide Science Fair. (From the past and current projects that are registered.) 

CWSF Divider


Immediately after the Awards Ceremony, the winners of the CWSF excursion will meet to go over the many details with the Event Delegates, the Chief Judge, the Ethics Coordinator and the Registrar. This meeting will also include information of the weekly meetings the group will be having to go over the expansive information and the great experiences you will have. The weekly meeting will either be other ZOOM or in person depending on the need.

CWSF Divider

Project Review

Over the weeks before the fair, there will be many people with experience with CWSF, who will look over your project, and report and listen to your presentations to raise it to the expectations of the CWSF.

Calgary Youth Science Fair's video on How to Write a Log Book

Ethics.. We will be looking at ethics and how it affects your project.. Please view the Ethics Page for information.

CWSF Divider

Registration: (Very Important)

You will recieve instructions with a login and password so that you can complete the registration. Once you have logged in you will see a panel that will allow you to start a new project on the project board. If you have had an account before than you can just log in and start a new project.

CWSF Divider

Virtual Project Expectations

One component of CWSF is creating your project on a virtual board called the Portal. This will allow people who cannot view it in person to view it. The virtual area is broken down into nine sections (Summary, Video, Why? How? What?
So What? What’s Next?) as explained in this pdf about the board CWSF/Project Entry Guide 2022-EN.pdf. These section names can be changed but they give you an idea of how the judges will view it.There will be videos on how to do this or you can also visit Quinte Science Fair - A Website For Students Made By Students ( for some great help.

See a gold medal project from last year on the Project Board. Snow SBOT V2

Calgary Youth Science Fair's video on How to Record your Virtual Presentation.

CWSF Divider

Poster Creation

All QRSTF TEAM QUINTE participants to CWSF must create a large poster of a poster in two sections. We recommend putting in in two sections. (36 x 48) This is the maximum size for the board. This is so that it will be allowed as carry-on. Here is a template for the board. Also, here is a number of images of the board and how it is arranged at CWSF. We will share the project board with our committee and others to scan for errors. There are many places to have it laminated. This must be completed before we leave for CWSF.

CWSF Project

FAQ Document to help you with many of your questions about CWSF and the process.  Refer back to the document as we go through the process.  

Download a Full description of the board, dimensions and expectations

CWSF Poster Template in Powerpoint 

CWSF Poster Template (pdf)      Discovery CWSF Poster Template Innovation (pdf)     CWSF Poster Template Sample Airplane (pdf)

Designing Your CWSF Poster (pdf)

Examples of completed boards: (One) (Two) (Three)

Calgary Youth Science Fair's great video on Avoiding Plagiarism

CWSF Divider

ADHESIVE – 3M Scotch Heavy Duty Mounting Tape” Model 110/DC.

There is only one approved tape for applying the poster to the board and that is 3M Scotch Heavy Duty Mounting Tape. This tape has been tested on the display panels and provides a strong bond over several weeks, while being easily removable. Each project will receive a strip approximately 2m long, per project. When your region arrives in the Exhibit Hall, the delegate should proceed to the Tool Crib (in the Youth Science Canada booth) to obtain a package with your region’s supply or in some years they have provided the tape at the project. Scissors will also be available.

Project Tape


  1. To work efficiently and to speed up the process you can bring a pair of scissors with you in your check bag NOT in your carry-on. The amount they provide usually is sufficient to hold the poster(s) there for the week.

The tape is available from Staples or Home Depot.

CWSF Divider


Document to help with registering on the Portal.(Click Here)

They are working on new videos to help with registration


CWSF Divider


If you wish to contact me you can contact me at

Check your email at least twice a day for updates. The process will move very quickly with many updates. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or questions.


Documents for ethics and Safety Website

CWSF Judging Form

Letter for Schools for No work during CWSF (doesn't always work)

Calgary Youth Science Fair's video on Tips on Answering Questions

Calgary Youth Science Fair's video on Guide to Experimental Projects

Calgary Youth Science Fair's video on Guide to Research Projects

Team QuinteMontreal 2016

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QRSTF - Since 1960
CWSF Information

The largest Canadian competition of young science enthusiasts!