The QRSTF Committee

Our science fair runs on all volunteers
The Committee list for QRSTF
Every year, we are always looking for new committee members. Please volunteer your time to support the students of the Quinte area.

Chris Spencer ( / Scott Berry ( )
Website/Social Media/YSC Contact:
Scott Berry and Emilie Leneveu
Awards and Awards Ceremony:
Mike Pothier ( ) and Scott Berry
Fund Raising:
Mike Pothier and Chris Spencer
Judge Coordinators:
Emilie Leneveu and Chris Spencer
Discovery Zone / Community
Emilie Leneveu and Natasha Mathieu
Science Partnerships
Tinneke Wilson
CWSF/ Area Representative
Supporting Members:
Jessica Laws, Jane Moodey, Vidya Moorthy,Frederic Broccard,Heather Broccard-Bell,Angela Dalton,Souravi Karpakal,Caitlin McAllister
QRSTF - Since 1960
Committee members for QRSTF
The QRSTF runs entirely on volunteers and the kind donations of the public.. Thank you!