The special awards are presented at the award ceremony and are generously sponsored by individuals, companies and organizations to promote a specific aspect of science. They are selected by the students to be judged for. These awards may be changed due to any change in sponsors.
Other Awards: Along with these awards there are many others. There are the grade group awards that receive ribbons and medals. (Best in Grade group, Best in Grade, Best in Fair and the Canada-wide Science Fair awards.)
Elexicon Award (Special)
Sponsored by: Elexicon Energy
Description: The Elexicon award is given to the project at each level (Gr. 4-6,7-8,9-12) that best demonstrates information or an experiment that pertains to fish/animals, their habitat, protection or invasive species. $100.00 Cash Award
3 Cash prizes
• One for grade 4 to 6 category
• One for Grade 7 to 8 category
• One for grade 9 to 12 category
The City of Belleville Municipal Infrastructure Award
Criteria and Description:The Prize is awarded to a project that demonstrates a subject matter relevant to a city, its departments and infrastructure. (gr 4-12)
Sponsored by: The City of Belleville
One Cash Award
Eligibility: Grades 4-12
The NOD Apiary Products Biodiversity Award
Judging Criteria This award is given to the project that promotes biodiversity in any way. This may include the preserving of habitat (woodland or wetland), the preserving of wildlife corridors, grasslands and pollinators.
Sponsor by: NOD Apiary Products
Eligibility: Grades 7-12
The Dennis Kritzer Computer Science Programming Award
Criteria and Description:This award is presented to a project that has developed (programmed) a software program that services a specific need. The program can be created in java, c++, or any other programming language.
Sponsored by: QRSTF One Cash Award
Eligibility: Grades 4-12
The UNAC Quinte Sustainability Award
Criteria and Description: “ The United Nations Association in Canada Award is presented to the project that best deals with the production or use of clean energy. For example, the project might evaluate wind, solar, hydro-electric , wave or tidal sources. It might focus either on the production side or the consumption side of the energy use.”
Sponsored by: The United Nations Association in Canada
Number of candidates to be awarded ;
• One for grade 4 to 6 category
• One for Grade 7 to 8 category
• One for grade 9 to 12 category Eligibility: Grades 4-12
The Albert College Engineering Award
Criteria and Description: The Albert College Engineering award is given to a project in Grade 6 that demonstrates the best principles of engineering. This includes: the design, building, use of engines, machines, structures, and being able to describe their importance.
Sponsored by: Albert College
One Cash Award
Eligibility: Grades 6
The Albert Life/Earth Sciences Award
Criteria and Description: The Albert College Life/Earth Science award is given to a project in Grade 6 that demonstrates the best principles of Life/Earth Sciences
Sponsored by: Albert College
One Cash Award
Eligibility: Grades 6
Centre for Workforce Development Futures Award (4-8)
Criteria and Description: This is awarded to the school of the student project that demonstrates technical knowledge and understanding leading to work in the trades.
The prize was given as a gift certificate for science equipment. Two awards of a value of $250 each.
Sponsored by: Centre for Workforce Development Two Certificates for Science Equipment valued at $200 each The student will receive $50 award. (Award will be split if there is a pair)
Eligibility: Grades 4-8 Grades 9-12
The Quinte Conservation Authority Water Award
Criteria and Description: This award is given to the project that best displays ways in which water or watersheds can be conserved, or protected
Sponsored by: Quinte Conservation Authority
One Cash Award
Eligibility: Gr. 4-12
The Panch Yogeswaran Robotics/AI Award
Criteria and Description: The award is presented to a project that best represents, demonstrates or researches an aspect of robotics or Artificial Intelligence. This may include computer and software engineering.
Sponsored by: QRSTF Three Cash Awards
Eligibility: Number of candidates to be awarded ;
• One for grade 4 to 6 category
• One for Grade 7 to 8 category
• One for grade 9 to 12 category
The Professional Engineers of Ontario Award
Criteria and Description: This award is for the best demonstrated use of engineering principles in a project.
Sponsored by: The Professional Engineers of Ontario
Award: Amazon Gift Certificates
• One for grade 4 to 6 category
• One for Grade 7 to 8 category
• One for Grade 9 to 12 category
The Erika Jackson Environmental Award
Criteria and Description: A grade 4-6 project in any category that demonstrates a creative approach to an environmental problem that could lead to cleaner air, land or water.
Sponsored by: Doug and Inara Jackson
One Cash Award
Eligibility: Gr. 4-6
The Derek and Kevin Sue-Chue-Lam Physics,Chemistry or Math Award
Criteria and Description: A project in any category that demonstrates a creative approach to a Physics, Chemistry or Math problem.
Sponsored by: Derek and Kevin Sue-Chue Lam
Four Cash Awards
Eligibility: Number of candidates to be awarded ;
• Two for grade 4 to 6 category
• Two for Grade 7 to 8 category
The Berry Plastics Biology Award
Criteria and Description: Awarded to the best project in grades 4-8 and 9-12, which pertains to a biological theme. The project must directly relate to biology or an organism or the environment.
Sponsored by: Berry Plastics
Two Cash Awards
Eligibility: Gr. 4-8 and Gr. 9-12
The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward Climate Change Award
Criteria and Description: The award is given to the project that best describes or develops an experiment that best explains an aspect of climate change that has an impact on the local area.
Sponsored by: The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward
One Cash Award
Eligibility: Gr. 4-12
The Allegra Belleville - Best display board Award
Criteria and Description: This award is given to the best display in Grades 4-8 and 9-12 that shows clarity, professionalism, distinctiveness and innovation.
Sponsored by: Allegra Printing - Belleville Two Cash Awards
Eligibility: Grades 4-8 and 9-12
The Michel Sarrazin French Language Award
Criteria and Description: Best projects from French Language schools in the following grade groups: Grades 4-5; 6; 7-8; 9-12, & Immersion. This award will be presented in French.
Sponsored by: ACFOMI Five Cash Awards
Eligibility: Number of candidates to be awarded ;
• One for grade 4 to 5 category
• One for Grade 6 category
• One for grade 7 to 8 category
• One for Grade 9 to 12category
• One for Immersion category
Most Innovative Application of Technology Award
Criteria and Description: Participants are encouraged to use existing technologies in a new or altered way to create a new or improved outcome to something. With little adjustment, or completely new application of technology, the outcome can be minimally or substantially altered, if not a completely new outcome created. Ages in each level are taken into consideration when judging the complexity of the project(s).
Sponsored by: The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) Quinte Chapter. Personalized plaque(s) will be awarded to the student(s) with the most innovative project(s). PLUS $100.00 to gr 4-8 project and $150.00 to gr 9-12 project.
• One for grade 4 to 8 category
• One for Grade 9 to 12 category
The Dr. James B. Collip Award for Excellence in Science
Criteria and Description: In recognition of a project that investigates science in the medical field.
Sponsored by: Kiwanis Club of Belleville
Two Cash Award
Eligibility: Gr. 4-6 and Gr. 7-12
The Arlyne Gillespie Astronomy Award
Criteria and Description: Presented to the project that displayed the best use of Astronomical Concepts
Sponsored by: The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
Up to 3 prizes
Eligibility: Gr. 4-12
The Loyalist College Entrance Scholarship Award
Criteria: The departments at Loyalist College will award a $500.00 tuition credit to the most deserving Grade 11-12 project , as selected by the regional science fair organization. The intent of this award is to honour the top senior project and encourage the winner or winners to pursue college studies in health, sciences or technology.
This tuition credit will be applied to the tuition fees when the student or students register at Loyalist College. In the case of a two-student project, each student will receive a $250 tuition credit towards an appropriate program at Loyalist College. This tuition credit will be held on account for the student for 5 years. Sponsored by: Loyalist College
One Scholarship
Eligibility: Gr. 11-12
The Loyalist College Top Winners Award
Criteria: $500 (cash award) for a public/middle school (up to grade 8) with the most winning projects. The school will distribute funding at the end of their school year. In the event of a tie, the monies will be split. .
Sponsored by: Loyalist College One Prize
Eligibility: All grades
The University of Ottawa Scholarship Award
Criteria: The Faculties of Engineering, Science and Health Sciences at the University of Ottawa award a $1,000 scholarship to the most deserving Grade 11-12 project from each region, as selected by the regional science fair organization. The intent of this award is to honor the top Senior project and encourage the winner(s) to pursue university studies in health, sciences or technology. This scholarship will be applied to the tuition fees when the student(s) registers in an undergraduate program at the Faculties of Engineering, Science or Health Sciences.
Sponsored by: University of Ottawa
One Scholarship
Eligibility: Gr. 11-12
The Carleton University Scholarship Award
Criteria: Our sponsorship would include a $1000 scholarship towards tuition for the outstanding grade 12 student at this year’s event. The scholarship will be awarded on the condition that the recipient is enrolled and registered in a program within the Faculty of Engineering and Design or the Faculty of Science at Carleton University for the fall 2025 term.
Sponsored by: Carleton University (Carleton University’s Faculty of Engineering and Design)
One Scholarship
Eligibility: Gr. 12
QRSTF - Since 1960
QRSTF Special Awards
The Awards are given out at the awards ceremony at 3:30 pm